Do you speak English ?

bibliothèque library
librairie bookstore (US) / bookshop (UK)
grand, gros, important large
broad, wide
emplacement, repérage (lieu de tournage au cinéma) location
location hiring, renting

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Do you speak English ?

Ramasser (ses jouets) To pick up (one’s toys)
Enlever (un mot) To take out
Se rencontrer To get together, to meet
Etre de la taille de
to fit
Continuer à parler
To keep (speaking)
Etre né To be born
Je suis né en (1975) I was born in (1981)
Etre sur le point de faire quelque chose To be about to (do something)
Assister à To attend
Avant hier The day before yesterday
Après demain The day after tomorrow
Le carton (matière)
Tu es déjà allé en… ? Have you ever been to… ?
Entendu I got it, I understand
Une expression du visage
(facial) gesture

Do you speak English ?

Mon vocabulaire avec GymGlish ce soir :

le pare-brise the windshield (US), the windscreen (UK)
reconstruire rebuild
qui a du succès, prospère successful
réussir (dans)
to be successful (in)
avec succès
un hommage a tribute
rendre hommage à (ses parents) to pay tribute to (one’s parents)

We all sang a song as a tribute to the victims of the accident.
  I’d like to pay tribute to the directors of the film.
une étagère, un rayon a shelf
  I am an expert at fixing shelves to walls.

My favorite magazines are those found on the top shelf.
Pendant que, alors que (je dormais…)
While (I was sleeping…)
(attendre) un moment (to wait for) a while
(Faites très attention) lorsque (vous serez sur le chantier) While (on the building site, be very careful)